Well, it turns out that October wasn’t the prettiest month…
Usually all the roses are trying to outdo each other but what with the severe temperatures in winter perhaps, or maybe the drought conditions we are maybe six weeks behind usual blooming in the garden. The spring garden was amazing for a very short time… but soon was crispy! Maybe we can whisper – November is going to be beautiful!And as with the sheep (totaling nine new lambs) our resident rabbits didn’t miss spring, getting to a point of no room at the inn!
New Covid rules mean that certain changes have had to happen in the diningroom. If you have visited lately, you will have noticed the table tops as well as the different presentation of salads. We also always strive to use the healthiest (well apart from chocolate brownies!), most organic homegrown (when the buck allows) produce possible.
You might be wondering… what is the battle of the buck? Our resident family on Wyndford side always nibble anything we might have that is green and juicy. We sort of turn a blind eye (except possibly for the time they ate all the sweetpea seedlings) and enjoy the fact that they are happy with us. Round the corner however, they have gobbled the vegetable garden in entirety… twice! How are we going to feed you all… So a new and bigger fence now surrounds the once again planted veggies and we are keeping an eye out for any rabbits called Peter!
Humphrey on the other hand, is back to his old habits. Chatting to guests at tea time, I discovered that last night he popped into Outlook for a visit, when the window closed he sat outside and yelled his displeasure! This morning he was ambling down the path at Belsteen for a saucer (or two or three) of milk…! Needless to say we are just as happy to see you all back at Wyndford even if our animals are allowed certain liberties.
Some spectacular sunsets lately possibly due to the dust and smoke in the air? As I’m writing this the Piet-my-vrou is yelling his head off (she’s obviously not listening…) so lets be hopeful that the rain will fall soon and replenish the lands. Enough for now…Warm greetings from us all at Wyndford