It’s just too soon…! Autumn… we’re not ready yet! But driving the roads in the Eastern Free State, the cosmos are showing themselves in pink and white splendor and the wild dagga plants in the garden are starting to pop orange blooms that the sunbirds just love. There are patches of yellow and orange leaves appearing on trees and creepers alike, with yesterday’s morning temperature at 6 degrees – (and you have to ask why I think mornings should begin at 10…).

Although, as far as the animals are concerned it would seem that Spring has sprung!  We have had an over abundance of bunnies born, two new lambs came bouncing along and for the first time in many years, we once again have ducks swimming in the pond… and not only visiting the pond.  They have explored the lounge, visited Belsteen Manor, frequented the pool area, encountered Molly and Sprockett – with only the loss of a few feathers – and today, after two trips round the gardens looking for them, they were still missing in action – next thing we know they will be joining the walks!

As the school holidays approach, a reminder to all of those who received special offers while visiting our stand at the Getaway show … free horse rides, a massage…. Use them before you lose them! Call the girls in the office now to make your booking. Also, our Spiderman is coming back in May… 19th – 21st when we explore and photograph butterflies, spiders, scorpions and bugs of all sorts! Kids (and adults) always have so much fun!
Taking Autumn walks shortly will be our monthly draw winner Neil Munro.  Congratulations, we look forward to welcoming you to Wyndford for your two night stay out of season.
Keep a lookout on for any last minute specials and up to date news or visit our website where you can enter our monthly draw at

 Greetings from us all at Wyndford
Ps…. the latest in recliners…….