July Holidays
July 2011We had a great bunch of guests in over the July holidays. Lots of walking was done, abseiling, horse riding, bunny feeding, and of course eating. We discovered that some of you are not up to minus temperatures – must be all those from the warm Natal areas! The cold does mean that everyone who ventured into Lesotho to the ski slopes had wonderful fun playing in the snow and we have some impressive ice waterfall pictures. Some good skiing was also enjoyed and congratulations to 10 year old John who managed the whole run.
It would appear that Spring has sprung early in our farmyard. We have seven new pink (yes, real proper pink – Celvin’s photo to prove it…) pigs. They arrived on the coldest morning of winter yet, and are doing splendidly, in fact so well that three of them came walkabout past the dining room one lunch time. Oops.
We also had a new calf arrive so it has already been a bumper baby season.The rest of the farm seems to have settled into winter brownness. That in itself comes with a whole different spectacle as far as the garden is concerned. The pines have shed their cones which leaves the driveway full of winter ‘roses’ and colorful seedpods abound.Our resident buck has been very visible lately – ambling down the driveway mid-morning and still unfortunately with a preference for spring bulbs, sweet peas and roses. We had to remove the big tree (the one lilting dangerously) at the end of the bowling green and have decided to plant a new Oak in its place. It has been surprisingly difficult to find a decent Oak in the Free State….?!
We have encountered the same slowdown in economy as has been felt around South Africa and indeed the world – the quiet Eastern Free State has definitely been just that. Talking of good oaks, Celvin along with Angelique and the now one-year-old, Cassidy are off on leave shortly. Shane and Patricia after three years eventually sorted out their passports and were able to take their miniature 4×4 into Lesotho! Our monthly draw winner this month is Marc Paravano.
E, M and U as well as Schumie, Button and Hamilton send greetings!….Oh ok, Ponty too..(that horse always did have attitude). Until next time, take care and plan a spring break soon! The Wyndford Team.