Keep putting your best foot forward…
I would like to start by saying thank you to all for the messages of affirmation, encouragement, suggestions, helpful info especially regarding insurance. To those who have made bookings – we all get so excited when the calls comes through! We were trying to get ready for a 7th August opening but that has now been scuttled so maybe September.
It doesn’t mean we sit and enjoy the scenery however! With only four of our outside staff to assist, it means there is a huge amount to do. George is busy painting and re-topping all the tables in the dining room, a covid regulation about table cloths – and to cut the additional washing as water is precious. July and August are usually busy months in the garden, what with the bowling green needing to be watered after lots of cutting then hollow tined and top dressed. The fruit trees need pruning and the roses a little later. Also, we need to start with the veggie seeds…The problem of being unoccupied and quiet is that we get more cross border traffic… so we are again minus a pig and four bunnies. We also had to say goodbye to Turningright – our favorite goose that was born with …. Well I’ll see if I can find a photo! Nope no photo but a video I did for my grandies…!
On the plus side we have some delightful and very tame new baby bunnies and three nesting chooks and the emus, are protective (kind word!) as one is sitting on eggs – the best thing about them is the amazing colour! One day I’ll pluck up courage to go into the pen… (don’t tell George).
The tortoises don’t seem to bothered by the minus temperatures we have had for the last few weeks, Button and Shelly pop out of their infrared home on occasions to check all is well with the world?!
In closing, there seem to be so many who would love to take over Wyndford but the finance is tight. If there are any of you who would like to be in touch with like minded guests …(you are all so special) and run with something please email me privately to give me permission to put you all in touch with each other. It would also need a driver …
So we close as we started – keep putting your best foot forward!
Warm greetings from the Wyndford Team