If you zoom in…

If you zoom in really close on this landscape picture, you will see six jaunty horse butts and swishing tails. Fortunately, for you it is not a video otherwise the peacefulness of the scene would be obliterated by the sound of us panting down the road trying to keep them on the straight and narrow road instead of off into yet another side paddock for a gallop. Four legs are definitely faster than two. So how did this come about you ask? Well, life on the farm is never dull, and yesterday we decided to take the horses for a green grass feast round the mountain. They had such fun. Wind in their hair, bucking and careering through the fields with bellies full – who wants to go straight home after a picnic. Fresh air, 6000 steps later(me – double that for Lukas and Dan..), they were back snug in their stables. Even our old lady Zazoo had a smile on her face. It didn’t earn vitality points but great to be out in the fresh air. Talking about points…
Think how much you would save on your grocery bill if you joined us for our current special! Four nights or longer at a 35% discount until the 13 June! Yes really…And you still get hot chocolate or coffee delivered to your room in the morning! Call us now 058-2230274 or email reception@wyndford.co.za Just do it…
Alternatively, time to spoil all the dad’s out there, Fathers Day and June long weekend still has some availability. Hope to see you soon!
Ps … there is a reason farm paddocks have signs on that say ‘close gate’!